Below are the Foundation and Menu requirements. Please note that all of Case Worker Pre-Service must be completed before attending Foundation Training.
A total of 15 days of Foundation Training is required for Access, Initial Assessment, and Ongoing Workers.
Required Foundation Courses
Safety in Child Protective Services - Present Danger
One-day course required for Access, Initial Assessment, and Ongoing CPS staff
After-hours staff are encouraged to complete this course.
Pre-requisites: Case Worker Pre-Service: Web-based Modules
Safety in Child Protective Services - Impending Danger
Two-day course only required for Initial Assessment and Ongoing CPS staff
Pre-requisites: Case Worker Pre-Service: Web-based Modules
Engaging to Build Trusting Relationships
Two-day course required for Access, Initial Assessment and Ongoing CPS staff
Pre-requisites: Case Worker Pre-Service: Web-based Modules
Supporting Change Through Engagement
Two-day course required for Access, Initial Assessment and Ongoing CPS staff
Pre-requisites: Engaging to Build Trusting Relationships
Case Practice with American Indian Tribes
Two-day course required for Access, Initial Assessment and Ongoing CPS staff
Pre-requisites: Case Worker Pre-Service: Web-based Modules
Two-day course for Access, Initial Assessment and Ongoing CPS staff
Pre-requisites: Case Worker Pre-Service: Web-based Modules
Legacy Foundation Courses
These foundation courses are menu options that you can count towards your Foundation training requirements, if you completed the course; however they are no longer being offered.
Menu Option Foundation Courses:
The following foundation courses are menu options to complete the additional required days of training:
Making the Most of Family Interaction
Two-day course
Pre-requisites: Case Worker Pre-Service: Web-based Modules
One-day course
After-hours staff are encouraged to complete this course
Pre-requisites: Case Worker Pre-Service: Web-based Modules
Initial Assessment
Two-day course (Beginning June 2018)
Safety in Child Protective Services - Present Danger
Safety in Child Protective Services - Impending Danger
Case Worker Pre-Service: Web-based Modules
Note: prior to the June 2018 session, this training was a three-day training
Ongoing Case Planning
Two-day course
Safety in Child Protective Services - Present Danger
Safety in Child Protective Services - Impending Danger
Case Worker Pre-Service: Web-based Modules
Concurrent Permanency Planning
Two-day course
Pre-requisites: Case Worker Pre-Service: Web-Based Modules
Pre-Training Coursework located at this link
Basic Intake Worker Training
5-day course
You can count this course toward your Foundation training requirements and your Juvenile Court Intake Worker training requirements.
If you work for DMCPS, WellPoint Care Network or Children’s Wisconsin, you can also count the following two courses toward your Menu Option Foundation training requirements
Team-Based Practice
2-day course